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How to “KonMari” Your Sock Drawer - Sockwell

How to “KonMari” Your Sock Drawer

If you aren’t familiar with Japanese tidying expert Marie Kondo’s detailed and methodical approach to decluttering, you are falling behind on the pop culture train.

Why Wool: Three Reasons to Love Our Signature Blend

Harvested on American soil, spun and tailored to our perfected specifications, and packaged to ship to your doorstep, we craft our signature blended socks with only the finest wool in...
Why Wool: Three Reasons to Love Our Signature Blend - Sockwell
Spring 2019 Behind the Design - Sockwell

Spring 2019 Behind the Design

Every creative person has their own process. Mine is very tactile. I walk city streets, talking to devoted customers and complete strangers; I attend trend seminars and visit museums and...